Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Mirror Lyrics - Lil Wayne ft. Bruno Mars

[Lil Wayne:]
With everything happening today
You don't know whether you're coming or going
But you think that you're on your way
Life lined up on the mirror don't blow it
Look at me when I'm talking to you
You looking at me but I'm looking through you
I see the blood in your eyes
I see the love in disguise
I see the pain hidden in your pride
I see you're not satisfied
And I don't see nobody else
I see myself I'm looking at the

[Bruno Mars:]
Mirror on the wall, here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend
You told me that they can understand the man I am
So why are we here talkin' to each other again?

[Lil Wayne:]
Uh, I see the truth in your lies
I see nobody by your side
But I'm with you when you are all alone
And you correct me when I'm looking wrong
I see the guilt beneath the shame
I see your soul through your window pain
I see the scars that remain
I see you Wayne, I'm looking at the...

[Bruno Mars:]
Mirror on the wall, here we are again ([Wayne:] Yeah)
Through my rise and fall ([Wayne:] Uh-Huh)
You've been my only friend ([Wayne:] my only friend)
You told me that they can understand the man I am ([Wayne:] they can understand)
So why are we here ([Wayne:] misunderstood) talkin' to each other again?

[Lil Wayne:]
Looking at me now I can see my past
Damn I look just like my fucking dad
Light it up, that's smoke in mirrors
I even look good in the broken mirror
I see my momma smile that's a blessing
I see the change, I see the message
And no message could've been any clearer
So I'm startin' with the man in the...

[Bruno Mars:]
Mirror on the wall,

[Lil Wayne:]
MJ taught me that.

[Bruno Mars:]
Here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend

[Lil Wayne:]
Take em to Mars man

[Bruno Mars:]
You told me that they can understand the man I am
So why are we talkin' to each other again?

[Lil Wayne:]

Mirror on the wall, here we are again ([Wayne:] yeah)
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend ([Wayne:] Any questions?)
You told me that they can ([Wayne:] I come to you) understand the man I am ([Wayne:] You always have the answer)
So why are we here talkin' to each other again?

[Bruno Mars:]
Mirror on the wall.

Looks like I did take em' to Mars this time

[Bruno Mars:]
(So why are we talking to each other again?)

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Numpang Curhat

Duhh, sekarang gua bingung sama yang namanya cewek alias perempuan di tempat gua,
kenapa ya? Disini, mereka cuma mencari sisi buruk dari seseorang, liat orang yang mau
berubah aja, eh, masih dianggap, sok gaya. sok alim..
Terus aja, pas giliran cowok eksis melakukan suatu hal, dipuji2, disanjung2,
dibilang wow!!, langsung diidolain
Tiba aja orang yang biasa aja, kayak gua, melakukan hal yang sama kayak tadi, dibilang,
wooo niru, gak kreatif apa, sok eksis, ntar dibilang sok asik.

Menurut gua, cewek itu penggosip, dan hobi ngompor, itu emang bener.. Liat aja, di depan, dipuja-puja, baik-baik, di belakang, mungkin pas gua pergi gitu ato ga masuk sekolah, bilang, mampus lu! untung tu bocah gak ada, jadi aman dunia

Cewek itu hobi berpikir negatif, dan menurut gua, cowok sekarang udah jadi budak dari kaum wanita, maklum kaum wanita lemah, dan mereka dengan pintar menggunakannya untuk merayu para cowok, memang cerdik banget yah!! Liat aja, kata Prof. Raditya Dika M.L (Magister of Love), hampir semua cowok gak bisa mutusin cewek, tapi cewek selalu bisa mutusin cowok, emang ya!!, Terus, yang anehnya, kenapa cewek2 yang terkenal norak, labil, atau doyan mamerin kekayaan, kayak gini
"eh tau gak, tadi gua difolbwck Justin Bieber loh,"
"lu harus tahu, gua udah beli iPad 2 dan itu keren banget!!"
malah jadi pujaan atau inceran banyak adik kelas, memang beberepa diantara mereka emang cakep, tapi sayang aja, sifatnya kayk gitu.. Huh!!! Capek gua ama dunia sekarang ini..

Tapi, postingan ini bukan buat nyindir orang2 lho... gua gak bilang gua benci cewek, dan gua bukan maho, pokoknya!!! Masih ada emang cewek2 yang sempurna, tapi cuma bisa dihitung pake jari, deh...
