Kamis, 17 November 2011

EMINEM lyrics : When I'm Gone

"When I'm Gone"

It's my life...
My own words I guess...

[Verse 1]
Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?
When they know they're your heart
And you know you were their armour
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm her
But what happens when karma, turns right around and bites you?
And everything you stand for, turns on you to spite you?
What happens when you become the main source of her pain?
"Daddy look what I made", Dad's gotta go catch a plane
"Daddy where's Mommy? I can't find Mommy where is she?"
I don't know go play Hailie, baby, your Daddy's busy
Daddy's writing a song, this song ain't gonna write itself
I'll give you one underdog then you gotta swing by yourself
Then turn right around in that song and tell her you love her
And put hands on her mother, who's a spitting image of her
That's Slim Shady, yeah baby, Slim Shady's crazy
Shady made me, but tonight Shady's rocka-by-baby...

And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain
Just smile back...

[Verse 2]
I keep having this dream, I'm pushin' Hailie on the swing
She keeps screaming, she don't want me to sing
"You're making Mommy cry, why? Why is Mommy crying?"
Baby, Daddy ain't leaving no more, "Daddy you're lying
"You always say that, you always say this is the last time
"But you ain't leaving no more, Daddy you're mine"
She's piling boxes in front of the door trying to block it
"Daddy please, Daddy don't leave, Daddy - no stop it!"
Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket
It's got a picture, "this'll keep you safe Daddy, take it withcha'"
I look up, it's just me standing in the mirror
These fuckin' walls must be talking, cuz man I can hear 'em
They're saying "You've got one more chance to do right" - and it's tonight
Now go out there and show that you love 'em before it's too late
And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door
It turns to a stage, they're gone, and this spotlight is on
And I'm singing...

And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain
Just smile back...

[Verse 3]
Sixty thousand people, all jumping out their seat
The curtain closes, they're throwing roses at my feet
I take a bow and thank you all for coming out
They're screaming so loud, I take one last look at the crowd
I glance down, I don't believe what I'm seeing
"Daddy it's me, help Mommy, her wrists are bleeding,"
But baby we're in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?
"I followed you Daddy, you told me that you weren't leavin'
"You lied to me Dad, and now you make Mommy sad
"And I bought you this coin, it says 'Number One Dad'
"That's all I wanted, I just want to give you this coin
"I get the point - fine, me and Mommy are going"
But baby wait, "it's too late Dad, you made the choice
"Now go out there and show 'em that you love 'em more than us"
That's what they want, they want you Marshall, they keep.. screamin' your name
It's no wonder you can't go to sleep, just take another pill
Yeah, I bet you will. You rap about it, yeah, word, k-keep it real
I hear applause, all this time I couldn't see
How could it be, that the curtain is closing on me
I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it
Put it to my brain and scream "die Shady" and pop it
The sky darkens, my life flashes, the plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes
That's when I wake up, alarm clock's ringin', there's birds singin'
It's Spring and Hailie's outside swinging, I walk right up to Kim and kiss her
Tell her I miss her, Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister
Almost as if to say..

And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain
Just smile back...

[Curtains closing and sounds of clapping]

This song is about farewell, Eminem included in his compilation called Curtain Call : The Hits, released in 2006, and it reached success in some charts, and included in some nominations. Eminem stated his hiatus after cancelling Anger Management Tour 2006 due to drug rehabilitation, he was addicted to sleeping pills as he said in the lyrics, and lots of pressures, especially his family life that gone bad.

But, in 2009, he released his comeback while still working on the rehabilitation, entitled Relapse, and one year after, he released internationally-acclaimed album, RECOVERY, with lots of awards and 2 worldwide hits (Not Afraid and Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna), and 2011, he released an EP with Royce da 5'9'', entitled Hell : The Sequel, with an international hits, Lighters (feat. Bruno Mars).

Tips for Taking University : (focusing Abroad)

Some of us, high-school students, has almost graduated their high school, maybe you will think that this is a beautiful time, you will have prom-nite, or you will be included in yearbook, but don't think shortly!

High-school graduation means that you have to enter a new life, university. Lots of faculties offered a job, Engineering, Medical, Natural Science, Social Science, it makes you dilemma, and every faculty has its own way to create job, and has its own differences,

Well, here are some tips for you to take university, and decide which course you may take
1. Please prepare what you get in high-school, especially school documents, yes, it's about report, if you deserve low grade, try to make it higher, by asking some teachers for projects, or additional homeworks

2. Also, look at what you get lowest, if in some lessons, you get low score, increase it, by get more focused in that lesson, you can ask teachers if they have a free time, or you can read books from some sources

3. If you want to study abroad, they always need an English Proficiency Test score, (e.g SAT, TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS), prepare for that, by browsing for their books, especially about tips for joining those exams, and the previous problems, also ask seniors who had taken the exams for some experiences

4. If you want to study abroad with languages outside English, like in Germany, or Japan, you're really ought to learn about those languages, because it's also needed in some terms, or conditions, or maybe it will be included in entrance exams

5. For choosing courses, you better ask your parents or teachers about your ability, or to make it more accurate, take a psychotest, it will help you determine your hidden ability, and it's almost precise, but don't forget to browse Internet about courses, because we have to think long about it, not because of the sciences, but also the job offered.

6. But, don't be so idealist, if you want to enter a university, and choose the courses, don't just take one choice, take another choices that's related to your ability.

7. And then, browse for some universities for the application date, especially abroad, because it will not be given to e-mail, and for applying, you better apply earlier, or if you get confused about it, you can ask the commitee by e-mail given.

8. Finally, you can know about which university, and i hope you will have RIGHT CHOICE! GO! and APPLY!

And, that's all about planning to take university, so, don't get confused!!

Visi Katak Kecil, Motiasi

Pada suatu hari, di suatu daerah dilaksanakan perlombaan bagi siapa yang bisa sampai di puncak sebuah gunung dialah yang akan menjadi pemenangnya.

Lomba pun dimulai. Dan, semua katak pun telah berusaha sekuat tenaga tapi tak sampai juga. Bahkan, katak yang kuat pun juga tak bisa. Dan akhirnya, semua katak pun menyerah. Bahkan, penonton pun bersorak "Ini adalah hal yang mustahil. Tak ada yang bisa menaikinya.
Tapi, ada satu hal yang cukup tak terduga. Bahwa, ada seekor katak kecil yang akhirnya bisa sampai di puncak gunung. Penonton pun bertanya bagaimana dia bisa melakukannya

Dan tak disangkanya, bahwa katak kecil yang menang itu adalah katak yang TULI.

Baiklah, pembaca blog sekalian, dari cerita ini kita bisa mengambil pesan moral yang tinggi bahwa jangan melihat seseorang dari fisik saja, tapi lihat juga dari hati dan kemampuannya. Serta, janganlah sombong karena kemampuan kita yang lebih, karena itu juga yang akan menjatuhkan kita kelak, dan juga jangan bersifat belagu

Itu saja yang bisa saya sampaikan. Saya menulis entri ini tidak bermaksud untuk mengajar tetapi hanya untuk saling mengingatkan saja. Trims

Mau coba konsep fisika, silahkan jawab soal ii!!

1. Di atas meja, terletak 10 besar hambatan dengan besar masing-masing hambatannya adalah R. Pertanyaannya adalah berapakah hambatan terbesar yang dibuat dan hambatan terkecil yang dibuat jika besar R adalah 100 Ohm??

2. Jika ada 2 buah bola logam yang identik, dan bola tersebut diletakkan di satu tempat dengan ketinggian sama. Tapi, Bola I digantung di langit-langit dan bola II diletakkan di atas bidang datar. Apabila sejumlah kalor diberikan pada kedua bola tersebut. Apakah suhu kedua bola sama?

3. Jika kita melihat sebuah benda homogen tak beraturan yang tipis dan anda merupakan seorang fisikawan yang diminta untuk mengukur pusat massa benda tersebut. Gimana caranya??

4. Apabila ada silinder, bola, cincin, dan kotak dilepaskan secara bersamaan dari bidang miring yang licin pada ketinggian yang sama dan pada waktu yang sama . Apakah benda-benda tersebut tiba di dasar bidang miring pada waktu yang sama juga??

5. Sebuah katrol terdiri atas dua buah benda di talinya. Awalnya 2 benda itu bermassa sama yaitu M dan benda di sebelah kiri ditambah lagi massanya sebesar M. Maka, yang terjadi adalah benda akan bergerak tapi di katrol tersebut ada suatu penghalang yang dapat menahan M sehingga M tertahan diatas penghalang tersebut. Apa yang terjadi pada gerakan benda tersebut?

6. Seorang pesulap melakukan sebuah atraksi dimana pesulap tersebut berbaring di atas paku yang berjejeran. Dan ternyata si pesulap itu berhasil!! Kenapa hal ini bisa terjadi?

7. Menurut anda, manakah yang dapat merusak lantai? Gajah atau sepatu hak tinggi?

8. Menurut anda, mungkinkah kita bisa mengukur percepatan gravitasi hanya dengan sebuah bandul ? Lalu, bagaimana dengan sebuah pegas?


Mungkin beberapa postingan terakhir, adalah copycat dari blog farhandikamursyid.blogspot.com dan farhandikamursyid2010.blogspot.com, sebagai informasi, bahwa itu adalah postingan yang saya pernah buat sebelumnya tetapi, dikarenakan kesalahan pada blog saya, (lupa password), jadi diganti 2 kali, dan blog ini menjadi blog resmi..


Tantangan Sains Dasar : Yang Penting Konsep, men!

1. Jika Sebuah gelas ukur A diisi es lalu, gelas ukur satunya diisi dengan minyak lalu es dimasukkan kedalam gelas ukur b yang telah diisi dengan minyak, maka Dimana letak es?

2. Kita bermain dengan warna sekarang kita campurkan larutan glukosa hijau, kuning, dan merah dengan konsentrasi yang sama kita campurkan maka akan terbentuk warna. Lalu, larutan tadi kita kasih konsentrasi berbeda yaitu Hijau 90%, Kuning 60%, dan Merah 30% maka warna campuran apa yang terbentuk?

3. Perhatikan percobaan! Kita masukkan air 450 ml ke dlm gelas kimia lalu kita tarok 2 sendok serbuk belerang lalu kita masukkan jari telunjuk kita, belerang tidak tenggelam. Lalu, air+serbuk belerang kita masukkan ke 4 gelas kimia yang akan dimasukkan minyak goring, garam dapur, gula pasir, detergen bubuk melalui jari telunjuk kita. Serbuk belerang dicampur apakah yang tenggelam jika kita masukkan jari telunjuk kita?
Masukkan ragi 3 gram lalu masukkan larutan gula berkonsentrasi 25% dalam labu Erlenmeyer lalu adukkan bersama tutup Erlenmeyer tersebut maka balon mengembang lalu sediakan 3 labu Erlenmeyer yang pertama berisi Ragi+Soda+larutan Gula+ yang kedua berisi Ragi+Tepung+Larutan Gula yang ketiga berisi Ragi+Garam+Gula tutup ketiga labu tersebut dengan balon lalu tutup 20 menit manakah yang menghasilkan balon paling besar?

5. Apabila gula batu kita panaskan pada pembakar spiritus maka gula batu itu akan meleleh, Kita sediakan gila batu yang dicampurkan gula batu+kapur, gula batu+debu, gula batu+ belerang, gula batu+abu rokok. Mana yang tidak meleleh?

6. Benda yang melepaskan kalor akan mengalami perubahan bentul kita sediakan ES BATU+GARAM, ES BATU+VETSIN, ES BATU+GULA, ES BATU SAJA masukkan sirup dingin tersebut dalam kantong plastik dan dikocok serta didiamkan selama 10 menit. Manakah larutan sirup yang paling cepat membeku?

7. Sediakan 400 ml Larutan Garam 25% lalu masukkan telur dengan hati-hati maka telur mengapung lalu masukkan 3 gelas kimia berisi 250 ml garam dan ditambah AirDingin, Air Biasa, dan Air Panas, masukkan telur. Manakah telur yang lebih melayang?

8. Sebuah bola lampu 25 Watt menghasilkan cahaya 25 Watt , sebuah bola lampu 100 Watt menghasilkan daya 100 Watt. Jika kedua bola lampu tersebut dipasangkan seri, apakah yang terjadi? (Tegangan dianggap sama)

Lirik Lagu Bendera - Cokelat, dan Renungan Nasionalis..

biar saja ku tak seindah matahari
tapi selalu ku coba tuk menghangatkanmu
biar saja ku tak setegar batu karang
tapi selalu ku coba tuk melindungimu

biar saja ku tak seharum bunga mawar
tapi selalu ku coba tuk mengharumkanmu
biar saja ku tak seelok langit sore
tapi selalu ku coba tuk mengindahkanmu

ku pertahankan kau demi kehormatan bangsaku
ku pertahankan kau demi tumpah darah
semua pahlawan-pahlawanku

* merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
di ujung tiang tertinggi di indonesiaku ini
merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
di ujung tiang tertinggi di indonesiaku ini
merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
ku akan selalu menjagamu

Nah, renungin lagi yuk makna dari lirik lagu tersebut!
Telah kita ketahui bahwa Cokelat adalah band yang selalu mengusung gaya nasionalisme dalam lagu-lagunya..
Dalam Lagu ini, kita diajak untuk selalu membela bangsa kita dalam melaksanakan sesuatu, walaupun kita bekerja di negeri orang, entah itu sebagaoi pelajar, dokter, pebisnis, sampai TKI, kita harus tetap membela bangsa dan mempromosikan kekuatan negara kita di kalangan negara lain, dan tentu saja kita akan dikagumi penduduk negara kita karena telah membawa perubahan besar bagi negara kita. Apalagi bagi para pelajar dan mahasiswa yang belajar di luar negeri, belajarlah dengan giat dan sungguh-sungguh supaya apa yang bisa didapat dapat diterapkan untuk membuat Indonesia menjadi lebih maju lagi di segala bidang....

A Change for Indonesian: Change We Need

INDONESIA! It's still a developing country. It's really because of the most basic thing. The government doesn't really care about our primary needs, such as : Clothes, Food, And Home. But, it's not because of the regulations and rules. But, it's because of the financial problem. We're still very very lack of money. Some regional or local governments and departments still do some corruptions like doing mark-up. They waste their money just for doing something that's related to privacy or family. And m,aybe, they use it to add their welfare.

Corruption must be the hardest problem in Indonesia. Although the Corruption Destroyer Comission worked very hard. there still be so many corruption. And nowadays, people still suppose and state that The Comission is still in problem. Have you ever heard about " CICAK VS BUAYA? " That's a problem that tells us about the fighting between KPK and Police Department just for analyzing the Anggoro Case!. And we, as the citizen, we can protect our country by destroying the corruption till the root. Because from many surveys, Indonesia is one of the best country in Asia or maybe in the World for doing this crazy thing!!

And our second problem must be our cultural admittance. Nowadays, some countries had stolen our culture heritage. And the most famous case comes from Malaysia. The Malaysian Government still admit some of our heritage as their heritage as example: Rendang, Cendol, and many other things. Not only the traditional but also the modern culture one. You know, some of our well-known song was stolen by some crazy people. Example, one of Peterpan song entitled " Tak Bisakah" was stolen by an Indian Artist named Pritam Pritam.

The third is our education. According to some surveys in some aspects ability, our country is still very low in Reading, Mathematics, Science, and English skills. But, why can we get some gold medals in International Olympiad??????????/ But, for sex education, we're always high!! But, why do we usually fill our brain with ver dirty and nude thing!!! It can make sins. Right???

The fourth problem is Health. We can't do anything without our healthiness.

So, do it!! As Indonesian citizen, we must protect our country and also develop our country with your ability because your ability, although it's small, it's very important for us.

Rabu, 09 November 2011

First Round of Indonesian IPHO Preparation

Now, First Round of Indonesian Selection for International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) team is done in Jogjakarta, 30 best selected students from OSN (National Science Olympiad) are being gathered and joining this round for 1 month, from 22 October - 22 November, they are staying in Villa Taman Eden, in Astomulyo Street, Kaliurang, Jogjakarta. In fact, the hotel is just 5-6 km from Merapi, and if we go to 2nd floor, you can luckily see the beautiful view of Merapi (but until now, we just see one time, due to bad weather). But, in fact, there are only 22 students here, because 8 of them didn't join due to school's problems.

The topic learned here is about electromagnetism, because mechanics is already learned separately by each teachers, and also in OSK, OSP, and OSN.
First week, we learned about Gauss' law, Coulomb Law, and Dipole moments, but also the Mathematics in Physics, especially we learned about Divergence and Curl Vector. And, we discussed also about the fundamental theorem of both vectors. 4 quizzes and 1 weekly tests done covering these topics.

Second week, we learned about Electric Potential, Capacitor, and also discuss about DC circuit, also discussing about the compilation between Resistor and Capacitor Circuit, well, no quiz added, but we've done lots of problems in that chapters, and we also know about a new method in electrical, THE METHOD OF IMAGE... But, there's always a weekly test, and it has been the hardest one (i hope another test will not be this)

Third week, we learned about Magnetism, especially about Magnetic Force, and Source of Magnetic Field, but, due to the collided schedule, we unluckily learned about Maxwell's equation that seems to be "sharp" enough for us. (even if us, what about another high school student?). And then, we didn't take any sudden quiz also, but we already know, that Magnetic Field has almost the same concept with Electric Field, but the difference is there's NO MAGNETIC MONOPOLE (even theoretically, it will be), but if there is, all physics law will change. SUCK!!!. But the theory and formula is almost same.

Now, we're entering the fourth week, the last week, the hardest week, because we'll be learning Electromagnetic Induction, Maxwell's Equation, and Inductance. And, we've just taken a sudden quiz about Inductance.

We're planning to make two shirts for the team (now, we're still working on the design)
If you want to know the candidate member, i'll show you their profile in next post.


Selasa, 08 November 2011

The Outstanding Youtube Sensation : Christina Grimmie

Sekarang, sudah zaman namanya situs pengunggah video YouTube, menjadi star shooter, atau penghasil bakat-bakat baru, contohnya Justin Bieber, yang menjadi ikon pop terkenal di dunia berkat keseringannya mengunggah video menyanyi di YouTube dengan akun nama kidrauhl, dan sekarang menjadi pujaan cewek-cewek dunia (bahkan teman cewek yang baru dikenal dari Omegle dari Taiwan juga ngefans berat ama dia)

Oops, tapi di postingan ini, kita gak ngebahas tentang Justin Bieber dan jutaan Beliebersnya, yang kita bahas adalah seorang cewek yang menanjak popularitasnya berkat YouTube juga nih, dengan nama akun zeldaxlove64 yang perlahan diidentifikasi bernama Christina Grimmie

Okay, cewek bernama lengkap Christina Victoria Grimmie ini lahir di Marlton, New Jersey pada tanggal 12 Maret 1994 (11 hari lebih muda dari JB bung), dan memulai membuat akun YouTube pada 17 Juli 2009, hal ini disebabkan karena permintaan dari seorang teman bernama Lauren, yang mengakui bahwa dia memiliki suara bagus, dan dia membuat akun bernama zeldaxlove64, karena kesukaanya dengan game Legend of Zelda, sehingga di videonya, anda akan melihat poster Zelda (walaupun video terbarunya sudah gak lagi, karena pindah rumah) dan memulai mengunggah beberapa cover dari lagu terkenal seperti Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, bersama pianonya.

Karena menerima respon positif dari pengunjung YouTube, cewek pengagum Christina Aguilera ini melanjutkan mengunggah cover lagu terkenal, sehingga akhirnya membuat produser sensasional YouTube, Kurt Hugo Schneider tertarik dan mengajaknya untuk merekam sebuah cover, sehingga terbitlah video berjudul Miley Cyrus Medley yang ditonton hampir jutaan orang di YouTube. Sukses dalam video itu, membuat Schneider tertarik mengajaknya untuk berduet dengan Sam Tsui, masih membawakan cover lagu Nelly berjudul Just A Dream, dan video tersebut memberikan atensi tinggi dari penonton setia YouTube

Sukses di YouTube membuatnya meniti karir di dunia musik rekaman, walaupun masih belum memiliki label, ayah angkat penyanyi top Selena Gomez, Brian Teefey tertarik untuk menjadi manajernya, yang membuat Grimmie memiliki kesempatan untuk menginjak panggung musik. Dan, setelah sukses meniti karir, dia menerbitkan sebuah EP pd tanggal 14 Juni 2011 yang berjudul "Find Me" yang sempat masuk HOT 200 BILLBOARD! WOW! dengan dua single berjudul "Advice" dan "Liar Liar", dimana semua lagu di album tersebut merupakan campuran dari berbagai genre musik

Album yang tergolong sukses membuat cewek yang memiliki rambut pendek ini, tidak besar kepala, dia masih tetap baik dan ramah dengan fansnya, bahkan dia membuat video terimakasih untuk fansnya, dengan menyelipkan lagu Liar-Liar, dan banyak fans yang mengaguminya karena memiliki kepribadian, suara, dan tampang yang bagus dan menyayangkan, kenapa dia belum dikontrak satu label.

Hal itu pula yang membuatnya berhasil memenangkan Coca Cola Competition, sebuah projek yang dibuat oleh Coca Cola bekerjasama dengan penyanyi terkenal, Taio Cruz, untuk mencari bibit penyanyi yang bagus, dan hadiahnya adalah rekaman dengan Taio Cruz, dan tampil di pre-show American Music Awards 2011.






Waktu, merupakan suatu barang yang paling mahal yang kita miliki yang ternyata sudah dikasih kepada kita.
Waktu, merupakan jarak paling jauh yang bisa dicapai manusia baik secara fisik maupun logis
Waktu, merupakan hal yang tidak bisa diperbaiki oleh orang mekanik sekalipun
Waktu, adalah harta benda yang lebih berharga daripada harta orang-orang terkaya di dunia sekarang
Waktu, terus berotasi tanpa henti, dan tidak memiliki tombol repeat, previous, dan next.

Maka, oleh karena itu, gunakan waktu kita sebaik-baiknya karena suatu saat, anda akan menyesal karena telah mensia-siakannya.